
Helpful articles to help you through the week.

What is Man?

A version of this article appeared in today’s “The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet.“ One clear night, David gazed up at the star-filled sky and reveled in the manifold works of his Creator. Awestruck by a glory that transcends the heavens,…

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On Growing Pains

Brothers and Sisters, If you hadn’t noticed, God has blessed us with a steady stream of new visitors over the past few months. The Lord is on the move at Hickory Grove and our sanctuary has been fuller than we’ve…

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A Ditch to Avoid

Brothers and Sisters, Can one moment in time reveal the deep truths of eternity? Can one spot on the globe contain a revelation so comprehensive that it spans the universe? According to the 18th-century German philosopher, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, the…

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On the Incarnation

Brothers and Sisters, In preparation for a reading group I’ll facilitate this fall (there are still spots open if you’re interested), I’ve been rereading St. Athanasius’ classic, On the Incarnation. On his first page (p. 49 of my edition), he…

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Stolen Valor

Have you ever heard of “stolen valor?” This term is used to describe individuals who pretend to have served in the Armed Forces. You can find channels on YouTube that specialize in calling this sort of thing out (though, I…

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Taste and See Together

Brothers and Sisters, Today is Maundy Thursday—the fifth day of Holy Week. Today, God’s people traditionally remember Jesus’ washing the disciples’ feet (John 13:1-20) and sharing the Last Supper (Matt 26:17-29; Mark 14:12-25; Luke 22:7-23). That last meal, of course,…

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What’s an elder?

Brothers and Sisters, In anticipation of our upcoming officer nominations, I’m dedicating a string of letters to the basics of presbyterianism. Last week, I wrote about the truth, goodness, and beauty of our polity. Today, I’ll briefly share about the…

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Ashes to Ashes

Brothers and Sisters, If you pay attention to the church calendar, then you’ll know that today is what Christians have long called Ash Wednesday—a day of prayer, fasting, and lament over our sin. Ash Wednesday ushers in the liturgical season…

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What’s a Deacon?

Brothers and Sisters, In anticipation of our upcoming officer nominations, I’m dedicating a string of letters to the basics of presbyterianism. Two weeks ago, I wrote about the truth, goodness, and beauty of our polity. Last week, we looked at…

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Howdy, Partner

Brothers and Sisters, Suzanne and I are big fans of the show, Blue Bloods. One of the things that strikes me about that show—much like any other cop show—is how devoted partners can be to one another. That devotion, of…

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22 Prayers for 2022

Brothers and Sisters, Christmastide greetings to you all! First off, I’d like to share two things on the near and slightly-less-near horizon: If you think you’d like to teach Sunday School, please let me know! Now that we’ve covered exciting…

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What Is Joy?

Brothers and Sisters, I must confess I don’t know how to answer the question I posed in the subject line of this email. To echo what St. Augustine said about time: if no one asks me, I know what joy…

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