Brothers and Sisters,
A few weeks ago, I mentioned how I ran into one of the kids from our child care ministry at a Daddy-Daughter dance. There I was, cutting a rug with Sophie, when this little girl saw me and lit up like the Fourth of July. Within moments, she was pointing me out to her dad, giving me a hug, and dancing with my girls.
I tell you this story, in part, because I want you to spend some time with the kids in our child care! 30 minutes a week gets you a bunch of little buddies and a grace-filled hook into the lives of their families. Connections like these are what will help us fulfill our vision of ministering the life, light, and love of Christ to the families in our community through CFCC.
That’s enough pleading for volunteers; there’s a broader lesson to be learned here…
Every time I have to peel a child off my leg so that I can get out of the house for work or a meeting, I’m reminded just how much my presence means to them. We all have people who crave our presence—parents, kids, friends, neighbors, or whoever. People actually want us around; our presence (or lack thereof) matters more deeply to others than we realize.
My presence in that classroom matters to those CFCC kids, not because I’m anything special (I’m not), but because they’ve grown to enjoy my company (and I theirs). Your presence by a friend’s hospital bed matters, not because you’re going to take the pain away, but because they find comfort and delight in your simple presence.
Dropping by to say hello, giving up a weeknight to go to someone’s concert or baseball game, making time to go to a friend’s party, coming to church even when we don’t feel like it—these are just a few of the countless ways in which our simple “showing up” can encourage and bless people more than we realize (your pastor especially appreciates that last one).
I get it. Presence is hard—even for any foolish souls among us who would dare to co-author a book titled, “How to be Present in an Absent World.” Still, in a world that has perfected the black art that is commodified absence, one of the most powerful ways we can bless people is by simply showing up and giving them our undivided attention.
Brothers and sisters, we are on a mission to be a loving family who glorifies God by building people up in Christ. That mission requires us to lean into our stated value of connection in community. Can I encourage you to do that this week by using your presence to bless others?
Whether it’s your spouse, a church member, neighbor, coworker, or whoever—just show up. Pay attention. Be there in your heart and mind. Your presence matters more than you know. It just might be the blessing they desperately need—a glimmer of light that enables you to point them to the One in whose presence there are pleasures forevermore (Ps 16:11).
In Christ alone,
P.S. Let me know when you’re available to come read to some kids.
P.P.S. Today marks CFCC’s 19th year in ministry. Be sure to reach out and let Stephanie know how much you appreciate her, her staff, and their wonderful work.